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中文介紹:善卷洞與比利時之漢人洞、法蘭西之里昂洞并稱為世界三大奇洞,也是我國著名的旅游勝地和愛國主義教育基地。山青水秀,風(fēng)光旖旎,洞景巧奪天工,素有“萬古靈跡”、“欲界仙都”之美譽。從古到今,勝景似繡,游人如織,歷代名賢雅士、文人墨客留下了一篇篇名垂千古的詩文石刻。善卷風(fēng)景區(qū)位于宜興城西南20公里的螺巖山中,雄偉壯觀,奇異天成,分上、中、下三層,宛如一幢石雕大樓,三國時稱“石室”。中洞有高達七米的鐘乳石筍兀立洞口稱砥柱峰,側(cè)立兩旁的青獅白象,氣勢雄偉,維妙維肖。上洞冬暖夏涼,四季如春,云霧彌漫,稱云霧大場。周圍鐘乳林立,形成了坐馬立羊、噴水烏龍、荷花倒影、白鶴蒼鷹等景觀,美不勝收。水洞是一條一百二十米長的地下溪河,水道彎曲、清涼幽深。船行其中,聽曲水流聲,看燈光倒影,如游人間仙境;轉(zhuǎn)過三彎,眼前豁然開朗。舍舟登岸,綠蔭蔽天,使人神清氣爽。出洞處有一座古老的碑亭中聳立著唐代司空李所書的“碧鮮庵”石碑。重建的晉代祝英臺“讀書處”英臺書院,院內(nèi)古樸典雅的園林建筑與林立的怪石、搖曳的竹影、相互輝映。山上已恢復(fù)了圓通閣,拜斗壇,喜雨亭等景觀,并匹配以800米纜車和380米滑道。附近有三國孫浩時所立的國山碑,被譽為“江南第一碑”,被列為國家保護文物,雄峙山巔,蔚為壯觀。景區(qū)內(nèi)有五千年善卷洞文史館愛國主義教育展覽館及旅游服務(wù)中心,提供陽羨景區(qū)一條龍服務(wù)。一座三星級涉外賓館“螺巖山莊”座落在螺巖山腳,與善卷洞交相輝映。英文:The friendly volume hole and the Belgian Han people of hole, the French Lyons of hole and is called the world three big wonderfulholes, also is our country famous tourist attraction and the patriotic education base. Clear waters and green hills, sight fluttering flags,hole scenery wonderful workmanship, usually has "the eternal spirit mark", "Desire Boundary Deity metropolis" the fine reputation. From ancient to present,the beautiful scenery resembles embroiders, the tourist like weaves,the experience synonym virtuous elegant gentleman, the writer literati will leave behind a name to hang the eternity the prose carved stone.The friendly volume scenic spot is located south the Yixing west end in 20 kilometers spirals crags mountain, the grand magnificent sight,the strange day becomes, is divided on, center, next three, just like a stone carving building, when three countries calls "the stone chamber". Both sides center the hole has reaches as high as seven meters Zhong Ru Stone bamboo shoots to stand upright the hole to declare Di Zhu the peak, the blue lion white elephant which the side sets up,imposing, lifelike. On hole warm in winter and cool in summer, the four seasons like spring, the fog fills the air, calls the fog big field. Periphery the clock breast stood in great numbers, forms the saddle horse to set up the sheep, to spray water landscape and so on Wu Long, lotus inverted image, white crane goshawk, too beautiful to behold. The water-dunnel is 120 meter long underground brooks rivers,the canal curving, cool is profound. Among the shipping agency,listens to the tune current of water sound, looks at the light inverted image, like between tourist fairyland; Transfers three has been curved, at present suddenly sees the light. The shed boat disembarks, the green stealth day, causes the person The spiritual clear air is cool.Leaves the hole place to have in an ancient tablet pavilion to towerTang Dynasty Sikong the Li book "the blue fresh hut" the stele. Thebamboo shade which the reconstruction Jin generation wishes English"studying place" an English academy, in the courtyard the plainelegant botanical garden construction with which stands in greatnumbers the strange stone, drags, mutually shines. On the mountainrestored the flexible Chinese style pavilion, Bai Dou world, landscape and so on seasonable rain pavilion, and match by 800 meters cable cars and 380 meters chutes. Neighbor has three countries Sun Haoshi standsthe country mountain tablet, by the reputation is "the Chiangnan first tablet", is listed as the national protection cultural relic, male Potential summit of a mountain, splendid sight. In the scenic area has in 5000the friendly volume hole Research Institute of Culture and History patriotic education exhibition hall and the traveling service center, provides the positive envy scenic area start-to-finish service. Three star classes touch on foreign affairs the guesthouse "the spiral crag mountain village" to be located in the spiral crag foot of a hill, enhances one another‘s beauty with the friendly volume hole.
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